Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Plethora Of Places

From no place to live to two.

One is a sub-lease from my place of serendipity, Jesse's. The bartender was complaining that she's never home, and should rent out her place... BINGO! It's $800 a month, one bedroom... fully furnished, with an air-conditioner.... utilities are another $130, including the cable and internet.

The downside is.. it's in the Bronx, near Fordham...and a six floor walkup. The upside is, after I'm done there, I have another sub-let available in Wash Heights in an elevator building from August til January, with furniture and everything for $900.

I was ecstatic, I was dancing, I was....relieved.

Today, I'm offered a one bedroom, of my own.... for $1000... up here in the Heights.

Now, I have to decide which one to take.

Oh, decisions like this are a peach.

Yes, a peach.

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