Thursday, October 18, 2007

Jobs Abound

When it rains, it rains.

With those deep words, I'll explain. I've the writing stuff going, and I'm so pleased with that...then, suddenly, the sky opened, and I was offered three stage manager's jobs, and a job as assistant to the producer on a documentary.

With pay.

I took one SM job, and the documentary.

The SM job is an interesting project....a benefit for a group of Marine wives and families whose husbands are in Iraq. They are stationed in New Jersey, with no family around, very little money, far from home. The producer and one of the leads is an amazing woman... a one time nun who was a serious draft protester in her day. She was arrested and served two years in prison for burning draft records during Vietnam. She left the convent, married, had children, became an actress...well, now, she's doing this.

It's an huge undertaking, Equity isn't happy we are moving the show from New York to New Jersey at one point, but, we'll get it done.

Now, the documentary is different all together. What can I say about it?


I've signed a confidentiality agreement that says I will not discuss in any way, shape or form this film with anyone at any time.

It's going to kill me to keep my mouth shut, and they'll kill me if I don't...but, you know... it won't hurt if I told you that


Peter Varvel said...

Sorry, Quin, but my dirty-lil'-mind-in-the-gutter keeps reading one of your new jobs as S&M, and then to follow that with the phrase 'one time nun'--my mind is going to blow a fuse from synapses attempting to fire in overtime, LOL!

Congrats on such great gigs!

Anonymous said...


All things come to those who wait?

Mrs. S.

golfwidow said...

Know what I heard about your documentary?

My heck, look at the time.

Actress Andrea said...

Congrats, Quin!!! :) I wish you all of the best...

...and it would kill me to keep my mouth shut too - I'd be so excited to tell all of my friends and family!