Monday, July 23, 2007

It's HOW Much to Fly to London?

There it was.

Finally, a dead cheap airfare to the U of K. Under $279. Yes, I, Quin, would fly to see Loo and all of my friends in the U of K for under $300.

American, no less.

I was stunned, gobsmacked, tickled pink.

Then, I read the small print... the t a x e s.

What? $298 in TAXES????

Is the payback for Boston? We started drinking tea again... I use the 'u' whenever I use an 'o'. Come ON. We even let Fergie in, and we LIKE her.

Maybe that's the problem.



golfwidow said...

Maybe knicksherface has a cheaper flight.

quin browne said...

*choked on my popcorn and coffee breakfast*

modelbehavior said...

Yeah, initial airline quotes LIE. They LIE.

I hate that.

quin browne said...

and, they don't feed you.

i mean, really.