Saturday, April 7, 2007

Sometimes, Roommates Are A Peach

I've been lucky this past few days.

The best thing has been my new roommate, N. He was my knight in shinning armour, who stepped up, took his co-op off the market, and gave me a room to live in for a month when I was in 24 hours of being homeless.

N and I have many things in, friends in the land of Utes, a tendency to say the same thing at the same time, a love of watching horror films with the lights on and blankets to hide behind, delivered New York Chinese food, gossip, shopping, theater,the terrier and I have a pair of shoes almost as old as he is.

There are things we don't have in common; he's male, I'm not. He's gay; at the most, I'm mid-range chipper. He's blonde; I'm brunette .ish. He has an amazing voice... I hum.

I'll hate to move out. However, with today as a guide as to what time out away from the flat with him can be, I'm looking forward to those dates, too.

Thanks, N. You're the best.