Monday, May 28, 2007

Time On My Hands

Plans for today canceled.

Good news is, I realised the air conditioner works. Really, really works.

I've one more night here, then, back to the Bronx...

Good news is, um.... moving on...

Last night's gathering was loud and crowded and I couldn't hear names.

Good news is, I did meet some folk, they were funny... and I had a lovely time.

Our morning stroll was short, the humidity is heavy, and the dogs suffer in the heat, even with summer cuts.

Good news is, we had the park to ourselves, even the tiny park by the entrance to the Holland Tunnel, no honking cars, CrazyGuyWhoPoosInPublic has moved to his summer home in the Hamptons.

I have one more table to sort out, at least two hours of organising.

Good news is, it's by the wonderfully cool air conditioner and I can watch 'Sargent York' while I work.

I've lost yet another earring.

Good news is, I can add it to my collection of one earrings, in case I ever pierce my nose.

I fell asleep on the sofa. With three dogs.

Good news is, it's nice to wake up to smiling faces, even if they are dog faces.

It's quiet, I treated myself to a bagel with lox and cream cheese, and haven't brushed my teeth since eating it.

Sometimes, you live on the edge.


golfwidow said...

Huh, that ain't edgy. Unless it was a seeded bagel. Then, look out, mama.

Anonymous said...

You party girl, you!

Sounded like a very nice time.

And Ally da Pup has a summer haircut and she's doesn't love the heat much either.

quin browne said...

gw~it was an everything bagel...i'm a dangerous kinda woman.

lisa~yeah, even a puppy cut on the terrier isn't working. the pitbull flopped on the foyer floor and refused to move..thankfully, it's marble, and i was able to drag him to the elevators...

Oob said...

At least you're optimistic. ;)

Ha Ha Sound said...

You should buy Segways for the dogs.

quin browne said...


Verminous Countenance said...

MMmmmm, an everything bagel.